FMS File Analyzer - Catalogue File Usage
Analyze File Size,File Type,File Date,etc.
FMS File Analyzer is a application you can use to view and organize your files and directories. You can use File Manager to perform a lot of disk, directory, and file management task. And also is a disk cataloger software which takes cataloging to the next level. Many features of this program were inspired by users' requests and feedback. FMS File Analyzer is an easy-to-use program that helps you categorize your disks (CD's, DVD's, ZIP disks, etc.) into a single, searchable database .
FMS File Analyzer - Screenshot
FMS File Analyzer - Features
- Easy to use! Just like the windows explore.
- File type analyzer.Visually show file size,file extensions,file type,and organize them divided by range.
- Disk space analyzer.Visually show folders size,disk usage.
- Export data to XML, HTML, Excel,CSV or textfile.
Key Features
- File Size,Folders Size
- File Extensions
- File Type Analyzer
- File Analysis
- Disk Usage,Disk Space,Disk Storage